Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ross Lynch addresses Hate RANT

Hi I'm here today to do a different sort of post. I am going to be posting about Ross Lynch addressing hate on google plus. 

I just want to say he shouldn't have to address his fans about hate because if you were his fans you wouldn't care. You would support him. He's a genuine honest person and he doesn't care what you think about him. Maybe he had at one point but the excessive amount of hate he gets FOR NOTHING, is ridiculous. 
If you don't like him that's fine, keep it to yourself. If you don't like me, more power to you. No one can decide what you like but you. What you can decide is how you portray yourself and portraying yourself hating someone else isn't nice. Doesn't everyone want to be seen as a nice person at some point in their lives? 
Also hiding behind the internet, behind a screen name, behind your hate...that doesn't make you any better of a person.  
   Ross' life is his and he can do with it what he wants, no one knows how much time we have left on the Earth and with what time we have we should enjoy it and do what we love and not focus on the hate. That's exactly what he's doing. 
Loving life, maybe all you haters should try that. 
  He doesn't deserve the hate he gets but it comes with the job. People are judgemental. Even if he parts his hair differently he gets hate. Why?! It's his hair he can do what he wants with it and ITS JUST HAIR PEOPLE! I'm not saying he's a saint but he doesn't deserve the hate served to him. How would you feel if people hated you and judged you without knowing you?
   You'd feel like garbage. I commend Ross and every other actor, actress, preformer, or entertainer in general. BRAVO, because I guarantee the people dishing out this hate..they couldn't handle it themselves. 

I'm going to quote my favorite quote, 
"Everyone wants happiness and no one wants pain, But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain." 

I love that quote because it's true, everyone gets a little rain in their lives, heartbreak, hate, fear, but in the end without that you wouldn't be you and you wouldn't be the amazing beautiful happy person you can become. 

How I want to wrap this up is...If you recieved the same amount of hate Ross would you feel about it? ...........Exactly, you'd feel like trash, now answer me this.

What can we do about it?


Contact Me:
Instagram @mandaneil
Twitter @glossnconverse 

1 comment:

  1. I personally love when celebrities address hate, because most of the time they don't even deserve it! Great post
    Happy Easter weekend!
    -Jenna <3
    Follow for a follow?? The Chic Cupcake
