Monday, May 13, 2013

90s Kid Survey

Hiya Everyone! I'm Backkkkkkkkk and taking a couple semesters off of college to just kick back and gather things, so expect more posts and since I was born and grew up the 90s, I figured I would do the 90s Kid Survey(Tag). 

First Question: Favorite Disney Channel Original Movie?

Without a doubt my favorite Disney Channel Original movie is Halloweentown, I still watch all of the Halloweentown movies to this day and I turn 20 in a couple of months. I'm not sure if its because Halloween is my favorite holiday or what but I love these movies.
Favorite Music Artist?
My favorite music artist while I was growing up in the 90s was ATEENS. I'm not sure if anyone remembers them but I think they are still around. I was obsessed. I went and seen them at the Nickelodeon All That Music and More Festival. I must say my favorite song was their remake of Dancing Queen from ABBA.
Favorite Nick Jr. Show?
I really didn't watch Nick Jr. but I do have a favorite Nick show and that was Catdog! I again was obsessed and had a Catdog pencil case and would go around singing the theme song, yeah I was one of those kids...
Favorite Candy?
My favorite candy of the 90s and all time was the Wonderball Candies. At first they had little toys in them and then they switched to candies inside of them because children choked on the toys. Eventually they were banned and discontinued because children choked on the candy as well. Does anyone else miss these? If you do I have some good news! THEY ARE BRINGING THEM BACK!!! As you can tell I am excited.
Favorite Board Game?
This one I don't have one. I never really played board games, I was an only child so I either played outside, or played inside in my room. I never had another kid to play a board game with me so....yeah.
Favorite Mcdonald's Happy Meal Toy?
I didn't even have to think about this one because sadly I still have all of them in a box in my storage room. I loved Furby's, I thought they were cool and cute. I had a furby lunchbox, furby clothes, and in 1998 I was a Furby for Halloween. I was so obsessed with Furby's that I would make my mom call Mcdonalds and ask them if they had the different Furby toys..I ended up with all of them.
Favorite Book?
I didn't have to think much about this one either, I still have the book to give to my children. I remember loving this book because in it the girl draws all over herself with Permanent Never Come off Til Your Dead Markers, and I remember always drawing on my hands and nails.
Favorite Clothing Store?
Couldn't find a picture of this one and I'm not sure if any of these stores are still open but my favorite store to shop at in the 90's was RAVE. I loved their clothes even though I was a kid and the store was aimed at teens, I still shopped there and enjoyed it.
ok last question...
What did you watch when you got home from school?

I remember everyday when I got home from school I would sit and watch 3 tv shows, Between the Lions, Zoom, and Zoboomafoo! I loved all three shows and never missed them, that was pretty much the only tv I watched back then other than the Disney Channel Orignial Movies.
Thanks for reading everybody! I Tag everyone else who was born or grew up in the 90s to do this survey!

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