Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Air Curler....Does it really work?

Hiya Everyone!
Well here to tell everyone about this weird gadget called the air curler. I was skeptical at first at if it would work or not. I have very thick hair and it is VERY hard to curl...lets just say my hope were not high for this product.

As the directions with the air curler say, small sections of damp hair into the hair vortex aka the hair bucket. Your supposed to use the hair dryer to dry your hair for 10-15 seconds and then press the cool button on your hair dryer..NO! If you do that your hair doesn't get dry, use the air curler until your hair dries and then use the cool button. Also prior to using the air curler I would recommend spraying some detangler into your hair so that when you are finished you don't have a tangle mess when you brush it out.

Contrary to popular belief the air curler does actually work and doesn't make your hair a rats nest! I have long thick hair and it curled my hair into lose curls which I brushed out into waves, I love it! If you had shorter hair the air curler would give you Shirley temple like waves! I used this on someone with thinner hair as well and I must say it works best on thicker hair but if you sprayed a little hairspray after each curl it would give the same result.

The air curler could easily become one of my new favorite hair tools. Usually it takes over an hour to curl all of my hair, with the air curler it took about 15 minutes! Overall great product/hair tool! Highly recommend!

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